Most of you are unaware that, metaphorically speaking at least, your journey is nearing its end. The transports are now boarding in readiness for departure to their final destinations.
[Sings] "Tomar, Tomar, Tomar." Greetings, I am Tomar. My fifth-dimensional temple is known as Tomar's temple. It will be more accessible to you during the next ninety days, when there will be a new energy called the ascension wave.
Beloved ones, this message is a bit different because we speak to one who has returned to you, one who has been on a long journey and has had many experiences. We see how this pilgrim has progressed.
Greetings, wondrous beings! Greetings to you. We will speak about your discoveries of not only who you are but also those abilities that have seemingly eluded your conscious recognition. As you know, each being is a unique expression that resides within the whole.
All right, this is Grandfather. Now, to understand the nature of the timelines, you have to recognize that the benevolent timeline is not totally benevolent in the beginning of the intersection of the timeline you are on and the benevolent timeline.
Greetings to you. Let us tell you a story about creation. Creation occurs in the space between spaces — the space between cells, worlds, selves, what is known, and what is unknown.
Greetings to you, dear ones. It is a beautiful day. It is a beautiful day no matter what your weather is and no matter what is happening in your life. There is excitement in the universe. Energy is coming in and is increasing and changing in perspective as to its vibration for all.
I greet you once again, precious students and friends, as Earth welcomes the month of June. May you all experience a sense of awe at the seasonal movement of your planet.