It is I, Kuthumi, who comes once more to speak to you, to share words of wisdom and to give you guidance. Many of you are experiencing great change in your lives on various levels. The structure you have built around yourselves is beginning to develop serious cracks.
We are Simion, the evolutionary collective. The big moment is inevitably coming; make no mistake about that. What this moment brings on Earth will depend on all the energy factors involved.
"This essential nutrient is called a vitamin, but dietary Vitamin D is actually a precursor hormone—the building block of a powerful steroid hormone in your body called calcitriol.
Dear ones, there is very little that you will ever need from the outside if you learn to access within. Now Earth is going to start a new pattern that begins this day, and in what has been called the T-square alignment.
You are living in a world that is in spiritual crisis. You have known about this crisis for some time, for you are one of those who volunteered to be at the forefront during Earth's great shift.
Beloved masters, you, the vanguard, the leaders, are clearing the pathway that leads into the future so that those following behind can move forward more rapidly and gracefully.
The vision I see is a swirling purple mist that flows toward me. I then notice that the mist begins to have an outline, and before me is an apparition of a short man with sparkling cobalt-blue eyes, white hair, a long beard and a huge smile.