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Upheaval Is a Blessing

Upheaval Is a Blessing Archangels Raphael and Uriel and Gabriel through Adria Estribou

We are Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel, and we bring you a message of peace in troubling times. The human spirit seeks balance and equanimity. In our experience, when there are times of strife or unevenness, we feel unsettled. Humans feel unsettled when conditions are rocky or uncertain and in upheaval. Angels admire how humans can learn and grow by ejecting past experiences in a volcanic way, sloughing off what you no longer need on a soul level.

This is a very dynamic plane of existence. This type of change through upheaval is not available in other planes. From our perspective, it is a blessing to live in a time of upheaval and change, because you have so many ways to release what no longer serves your highest understanding and beliefs. You don’t need to carry around the shells of past understanding. A beautiful spark within you resonates with the ability to let go in a forceful way. You see this reflected around you: the energy of revolt, rebellion, and upheaval. It is very akin to the volcanic energies of Earth.

Use the Energy of Change for Growth
