You have been hearing that others [ETs] are making contact, haven’t you? Of course you have. This is what is happening, and we have been waiting a long time for this. We are thrilled to meet you!
In a previous article, we mentioned crystalline grids, especially the lines of levels 1 to 5.1 These particular grids and lines are inherent parts of Mother Earth’s energies and are essential for all her connected life.
Sanat Kumara: We wish you a good day — this amazing day, this amazing time. This is a time when you are all becoming ascended masters. Claim it! You might think that you will suffocate or pass out because of some difficulty you are facing.
Greetings, dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of Cosmic Service, a Pleiadian Mother of Sound. Peace be with you. In the galactic solar cycle, there are three times in a year that have special shift energy, and these occur in February, July, and October. Why are these times special?
Greetings from Home. We join you this day with such pride and joy, for your energy is changing on so many levels. You’re moving into the fifth-dimensional reality we’ve spoken of for so long.
Greetings. I am called Light Being though I do not have a name I hold to myself. I come forth to speak with the humans who reside on this planet of yours, Earth. It seems there is a need or a time for gentleness to flow to you.
For the most part, you have always known that you are more than just a human existence. For the most part, you are aware that there is more than just what you see here in this dimension. You have always known that more — or greater — exists, and this is your time of discovery and transformation.
Welcome, beloved one. The moment of your divine empowerment rises from within like a flower opening with the morning sun. This magical unfolding has always been with you.
The Great Wisdom: Your soul is of the living body of Source Oneness. You have awakened to the power of love as it flows from the heart of All That Is. You are experiencing energy as it flows from the heart of Creation. You are not separate from Source Oneness; you are a manifestation of oneness.
Greetings, beloved ones, I am Metatron. I hold you always in our love, we of the legions of light, we of the angelic frequencies. We have been tasked by the Creator force to emit frequencies of our love, our compassion, and your acceptance of your inner wisdom.