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Discover Your Multidimensional Origins

The Pleiadians
Sylvia Bucek

Consider the interplay between the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and you. If you open to it, the big picture reveals itself to you. It flashes across your mental screen like a trailer for the story about your galactic connections.

Oneness Is the Divine Power of Love

Supreme Creator Goddess

Speak to me of oneness, and you speak to me of my great love. My love leads you to oneness with all the cosmos. Of course, you know you are one with me, but you see it from your place of practicing separation.

The Battle of Light and Dark

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Is there really a battle of light and dark occurring on this planet? The answer is yes, more than ever before. We call it a battle because it is, indeed, a real engagement, almost the last of its kind.

Heal at the Deepest Level

Master Kuthumi
Rae Chandran

Greetings, this is Master Kuthumi. It is time to reflect on the changes happening inside you and outside you. It is time to gather and prepare for the coming winter, during which the fruits of your inner work will be grounded to prepare you for spring’s new beginning.

Natural Consequences

Cathy Chapman

Dear ones, isn’t it wonderful to discover the different ways healing can come and the different energies you can modulate to the needs of each person? When you pray for people, your energy melds with the healing energy you request.

A Solution for Orbiting Debris

The Agents of the Light
Raffaello Di Meglio

What information can the Agents of the Light give us about what will happen to the debris circling our planet? Are there any solutions in the works here on Earth or beyond our planet to help resolve this problem?

Light Veils of All-Encompassing Love

I Am Presence
Sabrina Di Nitto

Our human hearts take care of us. They ensure that we are safe and remain in unconscious states of existential alertness. In this article, we address the primordial levels of incarnation on this cosmos’ segment.

Shadow and Light

Master Kuthumi
Therese Dorer

Therese: Master Kuthumi comes into my line of vision. He shows me a vast desert. Gusts of swirling wind blow the sand, changing the landscape. Master Kuthumi raises his hand, and the wind forms shapes and contours.

Join Yourself in a New Way

Angel Raphael
Adria Estribou

This is Angel Raphael. When you find yourself in a new way of being, in a new world — in some senses, literally and in other senses, more energetically — some of you will visually or tactilely experience other worlds and other dimensions.

Mother Mary’s Mastermind Alliance during the Lion’s Gate

Mother Mary
Donna Ferri

Donna: The lion’s gate portal opens in August, and its energy is ideal for precipitating peace and harmony in our realm. As alchemists, we can use this energy in a specific way for the greatest effect.


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