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The Cage Door Is Open

Yeshua and Angels
Denise Bennett, PhD

Yeshua and angels, do you have a message of truth for eager students of light?

The Alchemy of Humanity

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

The mysticism and chemistry of alchemy lies within our human desire to transform the mundane into the divine, change lead into gold, cure illness and disease, and discover the secret to indefinitely extending life.

Your Heart of Gold

Supreme Creator Goddess

Did you know that you have, and have always had, a heart of gold? This saying is real. Your heart is pure gold. Your energy sings of this pure gold. It is the color and song of soul love, of my love connected always to you through our hearts. You were born with it.

The Destiny of Mastery: Humans in Turmoil

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. A revelation of the majesty within — the magnificence within — is happening right now on the planet. Can a Human Being peacefully exist while in turmoil? The answer is yes, and it shows the magnificence of the Human.

The New Timeline of Light

Jeri Castronova

Greetings, beloved sisters and brothers: Two thousand years ago when I spoke of love, peace, and the kingdom of heaven, many people didn’t understand what I was talking about.

Prepare Your Body for Higher Energy

Master Kuthumi
Rae Chandran

Greetings, beloved one. This is Master Kuthumi. I bring you the essence of joy and peace and bathe you in the wonderful light from our side. This has been quite a year, hasn’t it? Many changes are happening on the planet, collectively and individually.

Learn to Love Yourself and Others

Cathy Chapman

Dr. Cathy: Let us first form the heart source. Move your attention to the front of your heart chakra right there in the center of your chest. Imagine yourself going deep within your heart.

Perfect In, Perfect Out

The Teachers
Carol Long

One plus one does not equal two for you. One plus one can equal 1,000, and two plus two can equal 10,000. Our point is not about arithmetic but about the quantity of your thoughts. If you think about one topic and believe you have one dominant emotion, that is not the case.

Truth Is Vital to Evolution

Agents of the Light
Raffaello Di Meglio

What can the Agents of the Light tell us about how “truth” is evolving in our world today?

Understand Your Light Structure

I Am Presence
Sabrina Di Nitto

Dear sovereign light master, your soul remembers that light unfolds in the primordial creational realms, originating from the original seed of light. You are a part of the cosmos and her light networks.


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