You might have felt as if you were dying over the winter months, bleeding out redundant energies. Your physical, emotional, and mental bodies purged old habits and behaviors, venting memories and painful attachments.
Because of the shift to higher consciousness that is taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are realizing that there is more to life than the physical world we live in.
Connie and I became good friends over the years we worked together. She had been clairvoyantly challenged. She experienced many physical issues before we started doing 5D extractions of the implants and devices affecting her.
How many times have you thought about doing something but then turn around and your intent vanishes into thin air? You can’t remember what you were about to do. The simple fact is that in the act of turning around, you shifted the reality you were in.
In order to understand ancient monuments, we need to view them through three realms: the physical, energetic, and spiritual. Our scientific instruments alone are simply not adequate to explain the purpose of the oldest pyramids.
Sixty thousand years ago, two additional continents existed, each about 10 to 12 percent larger than the continent of Australia. One was located in the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Africa: Atlantis. The other was located in the Pacific Ocean: Lemuria, or Mu.
We live in a world where many people would rather opt for a pharmaceutical treatment or even cosmetic or prosthetic surgery than to live a life of healthful disease prevention.