Telos: Our channel has experienced some new physiological shifts as the relationship between his brain, consciousness, and DNA align in a new way. He has experienced some doubts as we’ve gently exposed him to the greater truths of who you all are.
The Oracle: A new flood of positive energy uplifts souls around the world as many more souls rise into ascension. In America, divine intention has ignited an illustrious band of people to rise up in joined voices for freedom, prosperity, and peace.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Here is a premise, an idea, I wish to give you, and it comes in the form of a question: Is esoteric energy changing on this planet? By “esoteric energy,” I mean the kind of energy you count on when you watch a channeler or meditate.
Your higher self is the portal through which you connect to both your inner guidance and the higher realms. Through these connections, information that is appropriate for the transition into the new energetic era is integrated into your consciousness.
Blessings. This is indeed Hathor. You might consider us the Divine Feminine; however, names and labels are mainly for humans. We are comfortable with the many different names and labels that have been given to us over the eons. We welcome you to this space.
How far you’ve come! You have survived those years when everything was chaos and suffering, and no one was in charge. Every person on Earth experienced this massive field of fear and anger. What lies ahead is different and much better.
Good day. All is well with us, as we know it is with you, for we see your vibration and vision for yourself. This beautiful orchestration does not need as much effort as you fear. You are already well along this lighted path that you envision to be enjoyable.
The old Earth universe ascended masters and the New Earth ascended masters have raised all space-time distorted and trapped energies into the lightbody.
In the previous article, we explored the process of awakening the potentials of crystals and stones.1 We discovered that this awakening is a complex process, as the layers of crystal and stone energy fields increased.