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Your Light — Love — Makes a Difference

Your Light — Love — Makes a Difference Mother Ulura through Karinna Nielsen

Many of you feel drawn to the energy of Lemuria and wonder, “Did it really happen? Was there really such a place?” Perhaps you were in Lemuria and have returned to complete those aspects of life that you previously sped through. Perhaps this is why you feel drawn to the Lemurian energy, and wonder, “What does it all have to do with me?”

Much that is written about Lemuria sounds magical, yet I’d like you to know that the Lemurians experienced times very much like you are experiencing now. They lived through multiple dimensional shifts in consciousness, and their shift from the third to the fourth dimension was very similar to yours.

What does it mean to shift dimensions? In shifting dimensions, you are essentially moving from one level of conscious awareness to the next. To do this, you must let go of old ways of thinking and old ways of life that you thought were rock solid for a long time. It is a monumental change in your perspective on life, and frankly, many in your world today are simply not ready or willing to let go.
