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Transformation Is Happening at Systems Levels

Transformation Is Happening at Systems Levels Galactic Council of Lightbeings through gia combs-ramirez

Greetings! We are the Galactic Council of Lightbeings. We are here to support you at this time of great transformation in all living systems on Earth.

Over the past five months, there has been tremendous chaos throughout all systems. Charged with anger, outrage, hatred, and other fiery emotions, the grid systems have been torn wide open. Grid systems support all life on the planet. Like the operating system of a computer, they run behind the scenes to guide humans and other life in the direction of evolution that Earth has chosen.

When the grid systems have been torn, people feel emotionally and mentally disconnected, lost, empty, and unable to move forward in their lives. This is a temporary state of being. The Divine Feminine is a great weaver. Like a spider repairing her web after a storm, she is weaving new grid systems this month. The new grids use heat to be forged strong so that they will not be torn apart as humans continue to find their way into the New Earth energies. That heat will create a hotter-than-normal month.
