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A Time of Light and Unparalleled Growth Is Imminent

A Time of Light and Unparalleled Growth Is Imminent Onereon through Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. We now arrive at a year that many have looked forward to for a long time. The demarcation that many refer to as 2012 is a significant moment in time, and you are here to witness it and also participate in the shift of energy. It is true that we have entered into these moments in a stronger spiritual position than might have been expected a decade ago. Does this bring excitement to you? Is your heart filled with anticipation? Some are feeling fear. Is this necessary?

Currently, the family human is trained to think in terms of events. This is a different way of thought than that of almost any previous version of human society. The universe is a constant process, a continuum. Many are waiting with anticipation for the year 2012, and many believe great changes will occur. They are waiting for an event, something rapturous or catastrophic. This is far from how the universe works.

This Is the Birth of the Golden Age

The sense of great change is not incorrect. But the perception of violent or sudden change is, at best, wishful thinking. What is about to happen can be likened to the winter solstice. During winter on the planet, days get darker and shorter just prior to the moment of solstice, but as always, the light begins to lengthen and the days gain warmth after the solstice day passes. Energy returns and growth is once again possible and natural.
