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The Return to Home: Human Nature Merging with Its Divine Self

The Return to Home: Human Nature Merging with Its Divine Self Merlin and Expanded Consciousness through Miriandra Rota

Well now, here we are to speak on what you have called the upcoming year of 2013. And you want to know all the hidden truths, those that were held in good keeping, so to speak, until the consciousness — your consciousness — was expanded to such a degree that incarnating the truth would not cause you to dissolve and leave your own physicality.

Of course, you are aware of the reason for all of that, aren't you? The reason is, my dears, that if you were to incarnate the full truth, it would have been so very beautiful, so very glorious, that you would have most naturally decided within the moment that you must, absolutely must, return to that most familiar home of homes, that most familiar oneness of being.

But now, as you are well aware, you have awakened and you have changed, much to your credit. You have chosen those ways of being, those manners of expanding your beliefs, those manners of interpreting the cause and effect, and more so, those manners of participating with your own inner creativity in order to bring forth and usher in this new time, this glorious, beautiful time within which resides your own fulfillment.
