Revelations of the Cosmic Sunrise
Revelations of the Cosmic Sunrise Archangel Zadkiel and the Blue Starborn through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa
Channel's Note: When we invited the revelation of this information, the archangelic realm was clear that there were thirteen universal questions being asked by all of humanity. While the exact phrasing of these questions may vary by culture and personality, the essence of their presence is to offer greater clarity to those who are asking. Archangel Zadkiel begins.
Thirteen Universal Questions
Beloved ones, we offer to you the thirteen questions that are beating within the light presence of those who are living the journey of your world. As humanity is now ready to experience the cosmic sunrise and the gathering of universal light, the responses to these questions are best served as shared through the Blue Starborn.
These beings of great love and presence have been and will always be ever present for those in the experience of density. The energy of the Blue Starborn carries at its essence the healing rays of light that unify all streams of divine love. Remember them as the Essene, and remember them as the healing pulse that is calling out through all manifest forms of love. Here are the questions we offer as the summation of those you are all asking. These questions are not aligned with any country, creed, personality, or ego-based strata. They simply are, and it is the Blue Starborn who will respond on behalf of us all.
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