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Future Libraries Will Be Interdimensional

Future Libraries Will Be Interdimensional Mikos through Nancy Robinson

Good morning. I am Mikos, and my entourage and I have been waiting for you on the doorstep to the Library of Porthologos, where the white alabaster steps twinkle with the sparks of embedded crystals and diamonds. The steps lead into the great halls of our library inside Earth’s vast interior. Today, we will take you on a tour through our halls and show you what a true library in your future will look like. Your future libraries will look like ours, as ours is the model that all libraries will replicate.

We will start with the outer grounds, as there are Future Libraries Will Be Interdimensional Mikos through inner grounds too. The outer grounds are lush with grasses, flowers, bushes, and trees. There are circular clearings with soft benches and lounging chairs in the center, accompanied by small, round, tall tables to set your accouterments on.
