You Create the New World
If only I knew I was an angel. If only I knew I was a goddess. If only I knew I was a great and powerful being of light. If only I knew I was love — made of love and for love with the purpose of spreading love. I would be calm and peaceful while facing my day. I would listen to my heart and tell my ego mind to get lost — very, very lost. I wouldn’t listen to what other people thought of me because I would know who I really am. I would dance and sing in the joy of each bird and sunrise. If only I knew the real me, then I would accept myself exactly as I am. I would rejoice. I would live in joy, enjoying life.
Is this possible on Earth’s third dimension? This is only possible momentarily on Earth when you release your soul to soar Home. Close your eyes, release your soul through the top of your head, and follow the goddess pathway of golden white light through the stars until you reach me, the Supreme Creator Goddess, and rest in my arms, my loves.