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Animal Whisperer: Highway Cat Rescue

Animal Whisperer: Highway Cat Rescue Your Ever-Loving Pets through Kim Malonie

Dear Kim,

Last week I was driving home at night when I saw a cat curled up in the middle of the road that appeared to have just been hit by a car. I pulled over to see if it was all right. My heart ached for the poor creature because I knew he had been hit, so I gently picked him up and took him safely to the side of the road and laid him down.

A man came out of his house. We chatted, and apparently the cat didn’t belong to anyone in the immediate area. It looked like he had a broken left leg and other injuries. I called animal control, and they met me at a local shelter. After assessing him, they took him to an emergency vet.

I wondered why this was happening to me because it upset me so much to see an animal on the road like that. I named him Michael because I felt Archangel Michael around us the whole time.
