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How to Develop Your Lightbody

How to Develop Your Lightbody Mary Magdalene through Mercedes Kirkel

Can you give any advice or a to-do list for developing one’s lightbody?

Yes. Developing one’s lightbody is important. It is something many do not realize. Even those who realize its importance don’t necessarily know the specific practical steps to take to engage this. So I thank you for this question.

The foundation of the lightbody is the etheric energy system, which in human form revolves around the chakras. Any chakra work you do is very helpful for developing the grid of your internal lightbody.

Sacred sexuality is also an excellent practice for developing your lightbody. There are meditation practices that are very helpful for opening the lightbody. Many of the meditation processes that have been traditionally taught in your spiritual traditions and paths are consciousness meditations. These are excellent for developing your masculine aspect and your masculine connection to God. However, these are not the same as energy meditations.
