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Dream Zone: Nurture Your Relationship with Yourself

Dream Zone: Nurture Your Relationship with Yourself Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I had a dream about my dad, who passed away over twenty-one years ago. I walked toward him. He told me, "Everything is okay." There were bleachers on one side of us and a big lake on the other. He held out his hand to me and opened it. There were two quarters and three dimes.

— Katie, 45, Chattanooga, TN

From Lauri: The lake on one side might be the part of you that feels at peace and reflective. The bleachers on the other side could be the part that feels judged or watched. What your father shows you in his hand is very interesting.

His hand is the part of you that is like him that can "handle" whatever difficulty is going on in your life right now. The coins could represent "change" that needs to be or has been made. More specifically, the two quarters could represent half of a whole. Are you feeling divided in some way?
