Ride the Wave
Ride the Wave Michelle Karén
Saturn reenters Capricorn on Wednesday, July 1 at 4:39pm until December 16. This is the last period of Saturn being in its own sign. On December 17, Saturn will reenter Aquarius for good until March 8, 2023. These next few months complete a two-year cycle that required us to be clear about the structures in our lives, reexamine our relationship to authority, and center ourselves with personal responsibility and inner maturity.
Six planets out of ten are retrograde this month! This is a highly unusual occurrence. Many situations could revert to a previous condition. We are required to slow down, go within, and ask ourselves deeper questions.
Jupiter remains retrograde (24º01’–20º15’ Capricorn) until September 13. Its shadow period extends until December 6. The degrees traveled in July are represented in the Sabian symbols by the following images: “A store filled with precious oriental rugs,” “a woman entering a convent,” “a soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat,” and “by accepting defeat graciously, a general reveals nobility of character.” Being or remaining in integrity is of utmost importance. As we are transparent in our authority, deal with outer structures with honesty, and assert ourselves with self-confidence and positive energy, we strengthen our inner wealth and serenity. Whether life offers us awards or challenges, welcoming both with equal grace and elegance reveals our true nature.