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Calling All Rainbow Children

White Buffalo Calf Woman
Therese Dorer

Therese: The vision I see is of a vast prairie landscape, and in the distance is a beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky. Striding toward me is the powerful, grounded energy of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

What Is the Lesson of Fear?

Supreme Creator Goddess

There is no lesson of fear. It is imaginary. It is all in your mind. Relax the mind’s hold on your heart. Is it even possible to have fear in your heart? No. It is a mind game. How far have you come in the game of fear? You have come to the endgame of fear; that is how far you have come.

Be a Healing Hero

Various Beings
Blue Turtle

Mahatma Gandhi: Beloved children of God, you are experiencing the most tragic and blessed time as you meet the difficult and transformative healing crisis in your world. You are called to come forth and meet this horrific virus with care, love, and service to humanity.

Evolve Human Awareness with Integrity and Compassion

The Collective Consciousness
Carolyn Gervais

In the past six months, humanity has been hit hard with the fear and likelihood of losing family and loved ones due to the virus known as COVID-19. It has brought into sharp focus humankind’s greatest fear: death.

Ignite Divine Consciousness as Abundant Flow

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

Greetings, beautiful ones. It is a great pleasure and honor to be with you, as we are engaged in what you have come to know as the expansion of oneness. You have grown through all-ness as you come back into the culminating energy of Divine Presence.

New Snow Is on Earth

The group and the Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

The group: Greetings, dear ones. We are excited to join you this day. You see, from the larger aspect, humanity has now reached a new energy, and we’re very excited to tell you about this.

Receive the Beauty of Your Being

Miriandra Rota

Greetings! Greetings to you. I am Teacher and I wish to give you a gift. I flow forth to speak with you in a way and perhaps give you another focus, just for a moment, during your day.

Transformation of Life on Earth

Goddess Tara
Karinna Nielsen

The time comes now for great changes on Earth. The way things are done, the way you feel about each other, and the structure of society — everything will change, because it must. Transformation is about a new form, a new way, and something completely different from before.

Raise Your Vibration in Any Situation

Liane Rich

Here is a lesson in creating: As you create, you send out energy. This energy is then matched by the field, or universe, and sent back to you. Send out love and what do you magnetize to you? Right — more love. Send out criticism and what do you magnetize to you? Yes — more criticism.

Phone Calls from the Future — Chapter 10: Protection from Earth’s Violence

A Visitor from the Future
Robert Shapiro

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