Therese: The vision I see is of a vast prairie landscape with a tall, remarkable woman striding toward me. She is dressed in white buckskin and holding a beautiful ceremonial pipe. A rainbow stretches across the sky behind her.
The human mind seeks to take action. This motivates the persona to adapt a belief system that reality is dependent on right and wrong action and the consequences of behavior.
You may sometimes feel alone and misunderstood with your spirituality — your love for the angels and we the ascended masters. Maybe other people tell you spiritual messages are just fantasies that are not scientifically accurate and lack an intellectual foundation.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Occasionally, we’ll give you a parable. When we do this, we always use a character named Wo, who is both genders: wo-man. Your language does not easily accommodate someone of both genders, so we will call Wo “he” for this tale.
You all view your reality based on your beliefs about the nature of reality and, hence, the nature of the mind. These beliefs are organized and interdependent stories that generally radiate from a core belief central to your worldview.
Breathe in now, and receive the gift of your divine nature expanding through your body of form. As you connect with this blessing through greater relaxation, simply invite your self to ease into the space of receiving. This is the master’s way, and it is your way.
I greet you in the light of the God that I am. You are beloved of God, God’s beloved love, and God’s beloved life. In truth, you have no life separate from God.