Greetings from Home, dear ones. You are magic. Each of you holds a special form of magic, something that you specifically brought from Home. You intended to focus your entire life on bringing it to Earth, and you are starting to re-member that in new ways.
Juliano and the Arcturians and Vywamus and Archangel Michael
David K. Miller
Greetings, I am Juliano, and we are the Arcturians. In this lecture, I want to look at unity consciousness in greater detail. I want to look at what it means, its different levels, and how you can use it on a personal, planetary, and universal basis.
What might it be like to live as a new transhuman life form with a magnetic heart in quantum love? Will this new species of humans become galactic techno-slaves or maintain their organic ancestral “Earthtarian” roots in sovereign freedom?
What you call energy sensitivity is an evolutionary awakening to much deeper levels of understanding and wisdom. This deep wisdom only happens through some form of experience.
Blessed Atlantean family, my love to you all. In the next several months, you have an opportunity to completely resurrect yourselves in all aspects — in the cells and in every area of your lives.
We come to speak to you of the many changes happening on your world and the various ways that they will affect you during the holiday season. These changes bring forth a new way of thinking and behaving on your world. Now we wish to discuss the ways your emotional body will be affected.
Celebrate your cosmic and personal completion! You are entering the next level of love, heart, soul, and service to the planetary evolution through the healing of self first.
Laarkmaa has given us clear and inspiring information about our thoughts, our emotions, how we communicate, and how we can build love-based communities. Now the group is sharing with us its perspective about the opportunities that are hidden within each of our challenges.
Immense love and support greet your soul as you connect into our vibrations of bliss. Please allow our pure white light to embrace you as we, the Celestial White Beings, encourage you to download and reawaken from within a new consciousness to aid your current pathway of ascension.