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Liftoff Is Near

Liane Rich

You will feel as if you have accomplished a great deal when you no longer criticize and judge. You will actually feel kinder and lighter, because putting more positive energy into your cells rather than denser, negative energy lightens your load.

You Are the Ancient One

Miriandra Rota

Greetings. I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you to assist you to become more of who you are. You have heard those words again and again, so why am I repeating this topic?

Dare to Dream

Elrah of Rhythmic Service and the Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

Elrah of Rhythmic Service: Greetings from Home. I’m bringing you a healthy rhythm to empower your energies. You’re here at a critical time on planet Earth, dear ones. A very unusual set of circumstances is coming together now. You have war on your planet.

Join Together to Create Benevolent Outcomes

Wendy Rowley

Dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of Cosmic Service, the Pleiadian Mother of Sound. In this midwinter channeling, we would like to talk about the two levels of creational energy.

Awakening the Sacred Heart

Carlos Rubio

Dear ones, I am your brother Yeshua. I speak to you across the dimensional veil of the heart. As your sacred hearts activate, open, and shine, the veil lifts. All that is left is pure presence. My presence and yours are one being.

Become a True Life Partner

The Lords of Light
Maureen St. Germain

In this special month of February, you might turn to your relationship or to your desire for a relationship. The fastest way to achieve a beloved is to make yourself happy, because when you are happy, you are very attractive.

The Crystalline Universe

Jaap van Etten

The first two worlds, which we have explored in previous contributions to this series, were spiritual in nature. We now focus on the third world, which was denser and led to the densest world, the fourth — our world

Light Safety Support

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Superhuman essence-heart masters in light fusion, you are living, divine-essence, soul-imprinted light-matter potentials in new discoveries of the unknown made manifest.

New Galactic Energies Now Support You to Wish, Hope, and Use Magic to Create Benevolence in Your Past, Present, and Future

Robert Shapiro

Zoosh here. Welcome. Energy seems to come in waves. Can you say something about what we’re going through and what we’re being influenced by now?

The Next Steps

Centre of A
Debbie Anderson

Debbie: Over the past few months, I have begun to feel like a broken record, reminding others to stay on track, keep the faith, and follow their unfolding pathways. I hope this channeling I received from my team helps.


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