Biolight masters, in your biophysics with the cosmos, you have just created new octaves of graviton essence in particle plasma light. In other words, the atomic and quantum rainbow-light spectrums have merged into new cell love senses inside each unique soul.
Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time. I’ve come to take you on a little journey today and share with you what is happening on your planet, because it is very exciting.
Peace to all beings. Mercy. You are in an expansion of consciousness now, entities. You are basically finding out where consciousness went wrong and are developing a sense of identification of who you are.
Star: It is Lady Portia’s stated goal to teach us compassion by example. She speaks to humanity often to soften our hearts and bring a greater understanding in the ways of the heart. Of course, she is not necessarily speaking of romantic love.
Judith: This message is about the gentle spirit of loving compassion. All day I have felt the power of compassion, and the divine Mother of Compassion has been speaking to me and sharing her wisdom.
Greetings! I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you about certain thoughts that roam around your mind, telling you they are the most important things happening. Yes, that mind is an active part of your vessel.
Virginia: When you speak your prayers out loud, you practice Laya Yoga. As you begin to embody the word as Jesus teaches, you feel the words thrill your nervous system, which brings pleasure to the cells.
Travel the universe with Ha-Ru-Ko as she translates for us — her fellow adventurers — the geometrically based energies of angels, archangels, starships, ET’s, and goddesses that exist in other dimensional realities.
Greetings from Home, dear ones. Today we take you on a journey to share with you what is taking place right now and will take place over the next several months. Changes allow all of you to anchor your real work. Many people ask, “What is my work?