Beloved children of God, you are being called to bring forth the greatest and most powerful light in the universe through your being and actions in the world.
I learned the hard way through the years that there are probabilities for each event that takes place on Earth. The further out we reach with predictions, the more probable outcomes there are — hundreds, perhaps thousands.
We are the Combined Council of Divine Light. There are many of us working together to help those on Earth who are ready to ascend. Not everyone wants to raise their awareness and frequency. Many want to stay in the low, dense energy, and they are free to choose that if they wish.
Now is the time to discover your roots. You have moved in that direction with the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. How you came to understand your physical, mental, and emotional bodies are self-explanatory. You even have little smiley faces, emoticons, to express your emotions.
In this post-truth world of yours, people with loud voices in positions of authority can say whatever they like and claim it to be fact without giving any evidence whatsoever to back it up. Innocent people can be slandered by hearsay without the opportunity to defend themselves.
Greetings! We are the Galactic Council of Lightbeings. We come from many places in the universe to work with life in different planetary systems. We appreciate this chance to commune, for as you read these words, we are energetically connected. We have much information to exchange with you.
The understanding that the universe is speaking to you at all times and in all ways returns to you slowly. It arrives over time and with the expansion of your consciousness and practice.
Be still, and listen to the beat of your heart to know you are God. Hello to you. We greet you in the kindest of ways. We meet you in the heart center, and we ask you to relax there and listen to these words.
As 2018 ends, we bring you a preview of coming attractions for the new year. There will be more revelations in the political scene, in Hollywood, and for the world population in general.
Dear children of light, as you know we are called Gabriel, and as always, we are overjoyed to be in your divine presence. We have come to share with you about 2019, what we are calling a year of reckoning.