Greetings to you, magnificent beings of light. We honor and love you in this moment and always. Our purpose is to awaken the bliss of the Creator within you and to encourage you to move into the natural vibrations of love of your being and beyond, embodying the bliss of the Creator.
Good day. It is I, Thoth, stepping to the forefront of this divine conversation in this immaculate moment. Those present to witness this action of love are many. Those in observance also contribute their light and fine resonance of love for the healing of all.
Dear ones, it is not possible to exactly foresee what humans will choose from the many options available at this time and how they will act on them. As much as many of you want to be told that the future, as you say, is set in stone, it is not.
Beloved masters, in the very beginning, you were the holy innocent ones, brilliant sparks of the Supreme Creator. When your turn came to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a fragment of the All That Is.
Greetings, beloved ones, and celebrations abound! This is the moment to call forth your heart and remember that you are ever shifting, moving, and creating anew. The gift, the ability to continually expand, renews itself. This process cannot be terminated, for you cannot terminate expansion.
Beloved students and dear friends, as Earth embraces the month of August, I extend greetings and blessings to all of you. May each of you take joy in Earth’s beauty and hold respect for the many aspects of nature that humanity does not control.
Greetings! I am Metatron, angel of light. I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of crystalline service. We always greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal moment of now. Indeed, we sense each of you at the time when your eyes read these words.
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Many of you are students of galactic anthropology, and we, the Arcturians, devote a great deal of our research and travel throughout the galaxy to understanding and working with various cultures. Anthropology is the study of cultures.
We always stand at the ready to assist you. As teachers and guides, we want you to know and understand how treasured you are. Your life is not expendable. Your life is powerful and transformative. No matter what you do, you affect consciousness.
In the loving light of all life, it is no secret that on this planet, you are in a time of great change and evolutionary motion. Many have spoken about this aspect of what is happening — this great shift. But do you also understand the essential role that love plays in the process?