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The Akashic Circle and the Cave of Creation

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Read and feel the truth of the energy you feel. There is so much here.

Unity, Consciousness, and You

The Soul Collective
Ray Dawn

Hello to you. We are the Soul Collective. We are a collective of all souls on Earth, and we wish to speak to each of you about this emergence, this coming into unity consciousness, and 2012.

The Gifts of Ascension

The Pleiadian Light
Hannah Beaconsfield

There is an expectation of expansion on many levels of the total human unit as a result of the ascension process.

Flowing with the Change in the Circle of Life

Robert Shapiro

This is Ortho. I am a guide and teacher associated with aquatic beings. Lately I have been welcoming aquatic beings on their pathway home, as only those who have direct knowledge given to them or specific capabilities to pass that knowledge on to human beings are going to stay on the Earth now.

Humanity and the Physical Body of Mother Earth

Master Kirael
Kahu Fred Sterling

Our beautiful Mother Earth is just one of millions, maybe even billions, of planets just like it. If you go to another part of the cosmic plane on the other side of this galaxy, you will find people going through the same evolutionary journey you are going through here on the Earth plane.

A Magical and Mystical Life with Lightbeings

Wendy Zellea

Archangels, angels, ascended masters, guides, and all beings of light exist in their own vibrations, just as we do.

Enlightenment and Ascension Sensations

Amariah Mara

The boundaries that seemingly separate you from the matter surrounding you and the other life forms sharing your space will be less defined as you elevate your consciousness to include everything in your environment.

The Event Horizon Awaits: Anticipate Change

Mother Earth (Gaia)
Pepper Lewis

The world that you have known, for better and worse, now prepares to yield to the next as the space-time boundaries of this world are near bursting.

Soul Consciousness and the Light of the Intellect

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, there is an ebb and flow rhythm in the ascension process. You will experience a period of intense activity created by challenging and mind-expanding experiences, followed by a desire to turn inward, and then a need for contemplation and solitude.

A New Earth Harmonic

DeAnne Hampton

The ascension energies coming to our beautiful blue planet at this time are awe inspiring and profound. Every day, I feel the something wonderful that is happening for all of humanity—if only we have the clear sight and open hearts to receive it.


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