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Time to Begin the Process

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. What would cause Human Beings to sit in a place like this? Think for a moment: Is it so that they could become multidimensional enough to hear words from the other side of the veil?

Opportunities for Awakening and Enlightenment

Mother of Light
Blue Turtle

My beloved children, there is a grand quiet pervading the universe. Healing energies are gathering to bring forth abundance in opportunities for awakening and enlightenment. The human family is being prepared spiritually and emotionally for transcendent evolution.

Benefiting from 2012's Opportunities

Council of 12

The year 2012 will be full of opportunities and options you didn't have before. After all, you are living during the planet's most radical paradigm shift to date. This means that changes you and others began seeding long ago are now beginning to take form, one right after the other.

Resurrection Through Bilocation

David K. Miller

Shalom. Shalom. Shalom. Greetings, this is Sananda. Let us review the mission, and let us remember that my mission was introduced by an event with the stars—an event in the sky, an alignment of celestial bodies.

Play a New Game

The group
Steve Rother

The group has tried on several occasions to pretend to be human. The most difficult part for them is telling a joke. They understand the laughter, as it is the language of angels, but let’s just say that their delivery really needs a little work.

Miraculous Assumption of the Light

The Infinite Wisdom
Judith K. Moore

The epiphany of the ninth cosmic wave has elevated the capacity for light communion and unified conscious expression of the divine. The power from the inner realms has quickened and accelerated as each willing vessel of love engages with the cosmic forces.

“Wake Up and Die Right”

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Once again, beloved students, we have the privilege of meeting in the amazing classroom in the mind! The beauty of this classroom is that it requires no physical space and accrues no rental expense. Indeed, this classroom is with you in every moment.

The Freedom is Within

The Pegasians
Ray Dawn

Hello to you. We greet you in the kindest of ways. We meet you in the heart space and we ask you to relax there, here in this moment, and to be in this natural flow of being of which we speak to you. This natural state of being is your natural way to be upon this Earth and to be in all reality.

Free Yourselves to Move Forward

Mother of Light
Blue Turtle

My beloved children, you may be noticing how things within you are changing. You are part of the ongoing evolution of humanity and all living things occurring in the universe at this pivotal time.

A Great Creation Beginning

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. These times have often been referred to as “end times,” and this is not necessarily a mistaken view, but these times are not the end of all things. There is a fear-based belief that speaks of great destruction, but we tell you now that there is to be a great creation.


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