The Founders knew that Earth was a crystalline being with consciousness and that this was also true for all planets, suns, moons, and asteroids. They would have agreed that we live in a crystalline universe. Clearly, they were also connected with the crystalline energies of Earth.
Love masters, we encourage you to trust that all is well in your creation due to your heart’s quantum-solar-cell’s heart status and it’s awakening out of dormancy. You can now dance with the light of life.
We don’t find many answers in life, but we forge ahead hoping to find the way. We trust in a force, be it God or the higher self, and at times we find knowledge that guides us. Our souls now and then give us what we need.
We are Telos, a multidimensional, multigalactic conglomeration of energies helping to support the human DNA experiment through vast areas of the multiverse. Your species was seeded in different galaxies and dimensions, some a little higher or lower in frequency.
You are all masters of time. The passage of time is simply an observation of matter in motion. As you string a series of significant and memorable now moments together in sequence, you skip from one to another, making matter in motion appear as the passage of linear time.
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, behold your dreams. Make them come to fruition as you focus to manifest them in the physical plane.
Your indomitable spirit and faith that all is happening exactly as it should have brought you to a place of pure trust. Your situation might seem limited, but you can accomplish great things with the additional options available to you.
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Those of you reading this are likely learning how to better engage in the shift happening to lightworkers on the planet. Dear ones, if you do not acknowledge the shift, things can get worse for you.
Many people are emotionally injured from the actions of groups. These wounds can occur through formal organized structures such as religious institutions, schools, government agencies, social organizations, businesses, societal systems, and volunteer organizations.
We, the trees, invite you to do this healing meditation. As you enter our presence — by physical proximity or through your imagination — drift and wander slowly. Feel the wonderful peace and calm.