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Benevolent Outcomes: Double-Down for Synergistic Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

Martha writes: Greetings to you! I am a long-time reader of your work. I first read your columns in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and have followed you for years on your internet sites, including Facebook. MBOs have been a staple of life for me for a very long time.

The Empath’s Portal: Second-Wave Awakening — Your Sacred Power, Ceremony, and Love

The Heart of the Mother
Sarah Weiss

The Heart of the Mother: You are held in my heart, sourced by an infinite stream of love. Without love, there would be no Earth, no you, and no me. I am love. You are love. You manifested your desire to learn about love, so here you are.

The Crystal Garden: Aspire to Spiritual Fulfillment

Margaret Ann Lembo

As a global community, we are being called to go within, step away and seclude, and live a cloistered life for a period of time.

Ask Sara: Your Soul Journey Continues

Sara Wiseman

Each month, we answer questions about spirituality, intuition, and soul growth, and we suggest how to work in flow with the universe.

Dream Zone: Smooth Over Messy Issues

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed a woman was teaching me something on my computer tablet. When I pointed at the screen, she said I need to shave my hands!
— Jana, Salt Lake City, UT

Essences of Nature: Do It the Same or Do It Differently

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

Another year and a fresh start or a “beginner’s mind.” We look forward with fear, excitement, and apprehension, most often with bits of all three. Similar to a cosmic version of Ground Hog Day, we start off with happy anticipation and change what we know to change.

Akashic Answers: What the Soul Seeks Might Be Different from Your Vision

Amanda Romania

Every year I make my resolutions and create the vision board, but nothing ever seems to materialize. I have gone to the events that promised the life of my dreams. I bought the crystals and said the prayers, but I feel I’m wasting my time. Any advice?
— Lauren, New York

Ask Sara: Your Gifts and Talents Always Matter

Sara Wiseman

I tend to stop myself when I want to share my artistry and put it up for sale. I begin to ask myself, “Who do I think I am to ask people to purchase my art when the world is in such turmoil?” I am in such a stuck place. I don’t feel worthy at all!
— Kara

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Receive Mother Earth’s Signals

Maria Yracébûrû

January 1: I am completed. I am fulfilled with teaching (iron). To all the ancestors, we take time to be now.
January 2: I am completed. I am fulfilled with pilgrimage (apache tear). Those born before time, we move our attention back to awareness.

Traditional Insights into Yoga: Marichyasana - Posture of the Rishi Marichi

Mally Paquette

This ancient pose actually has several versions in an Ashtanga practice. We will focus on Marichyasana A. This pose is primarily a hip opener, but it has many additional benefits. The posture is dedicated to Maharishi Marichi, whose name means “ray of light.”


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