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What, Why, Who, How, When, Where . . . If

Ruth Evelyn

The self-vortex activates when the four layers of the self align in commitment. The purpose of the vortex is for the mind to activate itself. It is the self that is the activating component of mind.

Essences of Nature: The Power of Starting Small

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

In our country (the United States), bigger is always seen as better. We want bigger houses; we want bigger salaries. We want bigger meals, and we want bigger toys. We want epic stories for our lives and our loves.


Ruth Evelyn

So much is misunderstood about wholeness in the walk of truth. It is no wonder we often find ourselves in pieces again and again and yet again. When I first considered wholeness in the context of the spiritual journey, I was rather defiant about it.

What Is Kundalini?

Gabriel Morris

More than fifteen years ago, when I was twenty-two, I experienced something known as a kundalini awakening. When it happened, I had no idea what had occurred. I didn't have a spiritual teacher, or guru, to look to for guidance.

Ets And The Gulf Oil Leak

The Pleiadian Light
Hannah Beaconsfield

Can you give us any information about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and if ETs could help us control it? Could ETs reveal themselves to the world through the means of giving us this assistance?

Spirit Release Therapy

Bob Graham

Imagine, if you will, a lighthouse shining its beam of light out to sea on a dark, rainy night. The lighthouse keeper cannot choose which ships the ray of light guides into port; the light is there for all to see and use. So it is with us.

Et From Ship Filmed Over Xiaoshan Airport, Hangzhou, China On 7 July 2010

Robert Shapiro



Why the Upshift?

Sarah McCroskey

With all the talk about the shift in consciousness, the end of the Mayan Calendar, 2012, the great turning—and however else you want to refer to our human evolution—one question is rarely addressed: Why? Of course we have played out the game of limitation to its extreme.

Essences of Nature: Playing with Time

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

Everyone says timing is everything. We position ourselves and position our lives for our future. We educate ourselves for the right career. We save our money for the house we want and the security we crave. At the same time, we have difficulty moving on from the past.

The Socially Conditioned Parent


The socially conditioned parent is locked behind the prison bars of belief systems. The exceptional cannot take wing within conformity.


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