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The 2012 Express: New Earth Demands

The 2012 Express: New Earth Demands Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of unconditional love. The year 2012 is not an end; rather, it is the true beginning. Accordingly, 2012 brings the expansion of dimensional access on the new Earth. The ascension has movement; it is a train of change, and it is coming. Energies of Earth are shifting more quickly now. The velocity of light has increased. In response, the flash and sequencing of linear time is moving faster now in the quickening of the 2012 ascension. The magnetic grid is being reduced as the crystalline grid becomes dominant. Gravity fields have transitioned and will continue this process. The arc swing of duality is lessened, and the movement into greater dimension, crystalline frequency, is now tangible. It affects you in the shift and influences your beingness in a powerful manner.

In kind, the need for humanity to shift becomes requisite to maintain equilibrium and balance. Equivocation will not serve. The astrological undulations will become more intense, as will the heightened energy of the planet itself. The energy of the new Earth demands more effort on your part. You must proactively raise your frequency to adjust and keep pace. You must manage expectation and rise to the occasion.

The new energy is of a different medium. Just as you move differently in water than on land, so must you adjust your energy field in the new expanded environment. A new focus is necessary in the optimal maintenance of your auric body, for the human EMF (electromagnetic field) is being shifted into CEF (crysto-electric field) at the level of the fifth dimension. It is an important change and a mandate for each of you on the path.
