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Supernova is an Expansion into Other Dimensions, Not an Explosion

Supernova is an Expansion into Other Dimensions, Not an Explosion Cassiopeia through Robert Shapiro



A Supernova Is a Creation Process

I have the remembrance of talking to you or about you one time, and you said that you needed to break up — that you had learned all you could in your present form and you needed to break up so that you could start over again, or something like that.

I needed to create a window, an opening, so that I could branch out, in a sense — meaning, like a tree that has its trunk, but then also its branches, which explore different directions. Like that.

So it's not clear — humans call five stars in that area of space the Cassiopeia constellation. Do you identify with one star or the constellation?

The constellation.

So one star went supernova, but the rest are still intact?

