Discover the Divinity Within
There comes a moment in the midst of a spiritual journey when something simply shifts. In that instant, there is the stunning realization that all the books, all the workshops, and all the mind-stretching spiritual understandings you’ve gathered in your travels can take you just so far and no further. You totally “get it”— theoretically. All that remains is the experience itself — the indescribable touch of the divinity within, the breathtaking embrace that catapults you from the mental realm of believing to the heart-space of knowing. This is the turning point in your sacred journey when you realize it’s time to jump in with both feet.
In your heart of hearts, you know you’re ready to actually make that inner journey you’ve been trying to wrap your mind around all these years — to have the experience for which there are no words. This is the crossroads where you recognize that the breathtaking transformation you’ve been yearning for could be within reach if only there was time to devote to it. This is the moment when life’s priorities are reexamined.
This is the inner push that nudges you to take a long, honest, life-changing look at where your spiritual practice really ranks on the endless list of activities and obligations that vie for your attention. This is the moment of self-scrutiny where you come to terms with what’s important to you because halfway doesn’t work!