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Shamanic Wisdom: Match Your Vibration to the Vibration of What You Want

Shamanic Wisdom: Match Your Vibration to the Vibration of What You Want Jan Engels-Smith

Like every year before it, the past year brought many challenges, opportunities, setbacks, and progress. We were confronted, as always, with choices in how we view our world and how we respond to the conditions that exist. Politics was a big part of the story in 2016, but I am not one to dwell on political issues in my work and my relationships with my students and clients. We can all agree that there were surprises in the election year and that many people are apprehensive about the future. I prefer to address the difficult circumstances of the unpredicted phenomenon of changes in the political landscape from an energetic view rather than an ideological one.

For many years, I have taught, written, and lectured on what I call the creation laws, commonly known as the laws of attraction. I started this study in my early twenties and became fascinated with the concept of manifestation. My study started simply with goal-boarding, visualization techniques, and focused attention. I often found the results to be profound and amazing. The universe responded in ways that provided positive outcomes and clarity of meaning and direction.

As I continued my study, I realized that it wasn’t simply my thoughts or focused attention that provided the results I envisioned but the associated feelings (which equate to vibrational) broadcasted about what I wanted to manifest. This realization of the power of an emotional attitude and an intentional optimism has shaped my teachings on this topic for four decades.
