Stay Aligned with Truth and Light
Stay Aligned with Truth and Light Count Saint Germain and Lady Portia through Star Hinman
Dearest ones, at this time of such change and challenge, your victory in the light is assured on Earth! You already have the knowledge you must draw on to continue your march toward the light. You will not be defeated by any challenge mounted by those whose purpose would be to derail your progress. Nothing can change the focus and power of your consciousness, which is now aligned to light.
You have all learned many things in the past few years regarding what is power and what is love, and even now you are all aligning with love to uncover the true strength that is within each of you and is always aligned with and inseparable from the energy of love, for they are one and the same in the greater unity they form. You are learning how to use the power of your love to accomplish great things on Earth, and this will only continue to increase during the coming days, weeks, months, and years. You are now learning the divine use of power that is replacing what has sometimes been called the human use of power, which all too often is turned toward greed and rapaciousness on Earth. It is your will that is accomplishing these changes — the combined will of humanity to move toward light regardless of the fact that some are not aligned with this forward progress and would attempt to disrupt this process.
Turn the Tide from Fear and
Darkness toward Love and Light
We expect that you will all encounter many challenges to your strength and dedication to truth and light during the coming years, not the least of which will be the distractions that are presented by these violent acts seen on Earth in the present day. These are the circumstances that are being presented to you now so that you can learn the next lesson in your evolutionary progress, and that is how to firmly stay aligned with truth and light in the face of all opposition and seemingly contradictory events.