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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Beautiful Lives in Wondrous Times

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Beautiful Lives in Wondrous Times Maria Yracébûrû

From diiyin: Just now, I am relieved about the young ones. True, they appear to be questioning, but this brings healing. All their searches take them outside the box. Of course, we traditionally look for our answers with our peers. We grow every time!

I have noticed that humans in general turn to new invitations to look for answers. In fact, as time goes on, the young ones become more cohesive in their foundation and have less secrecy.

Together, we redefine the rules of life. The precise cycles of Earth are being observed, and no preaching is necessary for this to happen. It is a natural flow.

May Prayers

That which has been given birth by the land, as humans, we handle life changes. We have the evidence of the continuance. We have been given the truth about our power. We believe we are helpful and powerful.
