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The Secret Wisdom of Animals: Little Hobo

The Secret Wisdom of Animals: Little Hobo Kim Malonie

Little Hobo

Since you have helped me so much with my late dog, I now have a question for you regarding an older cat I call Little Hobo. We moved to a new place last year, and there was a black cat walking across our garden at least twice daily on his route through the neighborhood. He was obviously in search of food.

One day, I talked to him as he was sitting on the wall, and I noticed a white thing sticking out of his mouth. When he opened his mouth, I saw that one of his front teeth was loose and hanging out. (He obviously wanted to show it to me.) I alerted the neighbor (the cat’s owner), and he took his cat to the vet immediately.

During the past year, Little Hobo has lost more of his teeth and also was quite unwell for a while. We started feeding him the best soft food we could find. Now he has put on weight, and his coat feels and looks like silk. He now also spends most of his days with us and goes home for the night (no more searching the neighborhood for scraps).
