A Step beyond Karma
A Step beyond Karma The Peacemakers through Robin Baldock & Greg Branson
In earlier times, the slow pace of life meant usually only one major stream of karma emerged at a time to challenge a particular country. The machinations of the power brokers were much easier to observe from our side. The patterns of intention building behind the scenes that led to specific events — the election of a president, for example — could be accurately assessed months, or even years, ahead.
Today, many streams of karma arise from Earth together — the ones rooted in mistakes of the past and new energies Gaia directs toward the surface that will encourage stronger social structures to be built in the future and will underpin them. Assessing the complex interactions of the many factions determined that their way prevails makes predicting what will happen in the coming year and beyond a daunting task.
It is entirely possible for a channel skilled enough to give a detailed and accurate prophecy at that time. However, giving that message immediately changes the probability — particularly if it is transmitted widely to others who adapt it to their own belief structures. So very quickly, circumstances could change and alter the outcome.