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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Big Leaps for this Year

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Big Leaps for this Year Maria Yracébûrû

The focus of the human mind can change so swiftly from whirlwind to relaxed focus; I have learned this from my daily morning prayers.
February Prayers

February 1: Beechdrops — absorption. “The foundation of my life is based in _____.” (Fill in the blank and let your active mind repeat the phrase, allowing your body to fill with more and more light.) binkáá’yú na’iziigi. To the ones through whom we have been working, new life is most exquisite. This wondrous moment is a testament to those who have walked before us. This sacred, unbelievable precision directs hormonal changes that form life.

February 2: X — innovations. “I ground _____,” present 110 percent of the time, no matter what we are doing.
