Your Prayers Galvanize the Hosts of Heaven
Your Prayers Galvanize the Hosts of Heaven Archangel Michael through David Christopher Lewis
I, Michael, hear your calls. I am with you, son or daughter of God. I am at your beck and call now and always, when through attunement with your God presence, with the God light within you, you ascend in consciousness to communicate with my legions and me.
Thank you for these calls; they are indeed being answered by our legions. In every situation you name, a thousand legions are sent to perform acts in accordance with God’s will. His directing light envelops you and other souls in cosmic radiance, blessedness, joy, and healing light so that you might progress on your path toward godliness and perfection so that Earth might become freedom’s star — heaven descending on Earth, tangibly in your midst.
Through your heart’s fire and love, as you make calls throughout the day, we continue to perform what some would see as miraculous manifestations in your world. You might even invoke our presence into the seemingly smallest details of your life when you require help and assistance. It is often in these situations that you require the greatest of heaven’s aids.