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The Karmic Books Are Being Balanced

The Karmic Books Are Being Balanced Donna Taylor

There’s a lot of activity occurring in the heavens this month. Not only do we have the big event of Jupiter changing signs on May 11 but we also have a solar eclipse at the very beginning of May. This is followed by Mercury turning retrograde on May 10. And as if all that weren’t enough, we have another eclipse on May 16 and then a new moon at the end of the month. Let’s take a look at each of these planetary events to see how we can best work with them.

Insistent Change under the Solar Eclipse

We begin the month under a solar eclipse. In some parts of the world (including the U.S.), this occurred late on April 30; in other countries, the eclipse occurs in the early hours of May 1. But don’t get hung up on the exact date or time, because the effects of eclipses can be felt for weeks and months afterward. What we need to consider is that this is a Uranian eclipse that will insist on change.
