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Create a New Story for Yourself

Create a New Story for Yourself Mother Mary through Therese Dorer

Channel's Note: The vision I see is a pathway of white, smooth stones interspersed with black stones that leads to a tall doorway made of wood with a brass handle. We are invited to breathe deeply. We pause to set a clear intention for our entrance through the doorway. We are aware that the intention we make will support us as we walk through the doorway. It is up to us to decide what our intention will be; it may be to ask for wisdom, clarity, or healing.

We take a big breath, focus, set our intentions, and then walk through the door to the other side. After we cross the threshold, we are embraced by a huge shaft of light that shines on the whole body. We breathe this light into our blood, bones, and muscles, infusing our beings with luminous energy. Emerging from the light, we see a woman dressed all in white and all around her there are beautiful roses of all colors — pink, yellow, red, blue, and purple. She is smiling. Extending her hands to all of us, she holds up her palms, and emanating from her palms is a rainbow light. She welcomes us all. She is Mother Mary.

Set a Clear Intention for 2014

Welcome, dearest ones. As you move through the doorway into 2014, it will be of upmost importance to set a clear intention for the choices and opportunities that will unfold for you in this auspicious year of transformation. Clarity will be the most important gift that you can give yourself this year. As you become clear, we can assist you with your desires and transformations. This will be a year of change for the whole planet, so I encourage you to embrace the upcoming change. Some of the changes will be Earth adjustments, and some will be personal transformations. But all change can be supported by a clear and concise intention set by you.
