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Birthing Unity and What It Has Shifted within Us All

Birthing Unity and What It Has Shifted within Us All Aluna Joy

Just as the Star Elders predicted, we are in a huge integration period initiated by grand alignments, eclipses, the solstice, and the accelerating energies of the Mayan calendars. The cycles are quickening and intensifying at a multiplying rate of speed. Many people feel exhausted, and we need to sleep more and do less. Many of us are having little health scares in various forms. We are feeling emotional for no apparent reason. Our bodies are under great pressure to assimilate the energy pulses from tsunami-size waves of heightened frequencies of light. The universe is asking us to slow down and listen for updated working orders. If we don't slow down and listen, the universe will find a way to make us do so. According to the Star Elders and what I read into the Mayan calendars, this integration is expected to continue until the end of August and then pick up again briefly from September 1 to September 10. What happens after that we can only speculate, as we cannot conceive of what has shifted as of yet. We are still integrating the new territory. We are pioneers of a new future.

Raphael and I went to Kauai for the Conscious Convergence (July 17-18) inspired by author Carl Calleman. We were hoping to have a nice little beach vacation. Yes, I was trying to escape the coming tidal wave by going to a well-known Lemurian paradise. The goal was to have a much-needed break and to explore a possible new home base, but the island had something else in mind. I think the spirit of the island knew it only had a week to do as it wanted with us. So let us say that relaxing on the beach didn't happen. Every time we went to the beach for a swim or to relax in the sunshine, it rained. As soon as we got back to the car, the rain instantly stopped. This happened over and over again, until it became hilarious. I was starting to take it personally that the island was not giving me what I wanted—but I ultimately got exactly what I needed! What did happen, once we reluctantly surrendered, was a connection with the local community. We understood its focus and way of living in these turbulent times. We found our flow when we connected with friends, and we made a bunch of new friends.
