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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Answer the Ancestral Call

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Answer the Ancestral Call Maria Yracébûrû

Release from your mind today, and focus on your breath. Breathe completely — in, out — and allow your lungs to fill fully with the breath of life. See what is planned for us. Helps us! A surprising truth has been given to all of us. What a wondrous experience we find in answering the ancestral call.

August Prayers
nakia (Rainbow Serpent): Our wounds have healed quickly. To live passing power to the next generation is a must. We find many mysterious and beautiful heart songs in the process.

hada’didla (ThunderBeings): Our family, we give life to Changing Mother Earth. This story foundation is unique. In it, we recognize the value of its worth and no longer suppress our truth. With our prayers, we claim love and life.
