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Be the Sunflower of Your Essence

Be the Sunflower of Your Essence Mother of Light through Blue Turtle

Beloved children of light, I see that you are slowly awakening to all the possibilities available to you as sacred daughters and sons of Spirit. You have been in a deep sleep where the powers that be have wanted to keep you scheduled and occupied all the time. You grew tired and weary as you repeated the same busy schedule day in and day out.

It was as if you were in a somber dream in which you could get nowhere because there was no hope or promise of anything. Life presented itself as boring and inconsequential with little to offer. You naturally fell into the trap of seeing this illusion, this setup, as reality, and you moved into your deepest part of being and sleep. Here is where you recognized in your heart what was going on to suppress you and not support you. You caught on to the act of oppression and alienation. You rested within yourself and its wisdom nature, and you found the truth.

What has been incredible for you to discover during this dreamlike sleep is that you are a vibrant and joyful human being. You are a part of an accomplished and indelible cosmic scope that connects to All That Is. You are boundless and effortless in your consciousness and being. You are part of the holiness that abides in all things and beings.
