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World Prayer Web Maria Yracébûrû

Snake Prayers

We did not know until we knew. Now we hold up our hands to stop time. We look from the beginning. Now is the tlish diyan (new year), and we can have what we wish without missing anything. This is the year of blessings.

Prayers for November 2015

It is easier to ask another’s opinion — shima tlish, Aunty Snake. It’s easier to have others support us. Today, we take to ourselves because it’s time to define ourselves in our own way. We take authority and ownership of our own power.

da’dóhkeed laghé’ dánohwa yitis dahit’ii’ nakia: We ask that we all receive help to see beyond (Rainbow Serpent). It’s habitual and often difficult to stop. We jump from one thought to another. Today, let’s focus on a song: ya-ta-we! We make all things holy!
