Be Flexible and Discerning
Be Flexible and Discerning Papa Juan through Beatriz Jimpson
This is Papa Juan. We are present with you through all your life and death cycles, your joys and trials, your wars and times of peace, and your travels and expansions. You are a loved and cherished species. You are unique to the universe and bring an inimitable and exciting view of life to all of us who observe and assist you. Now we observe and assist you in your ascension process.
Because we have observed how difficult many of the changes and shifts have been for you, we want to lighten the mood by giving you some ideas on how to become more flexible and therefore adapt more easily to them. We trust that you will find these suggestions helpful and even enjoyable. We first explain how some of these changes have affected you, and then we give suggestions to help alleviate the symptoms.
Stress and Weight Fluctuations
Now more than ever, you will feel the results of your meditation practices. If you practice regularly, you might feel a shift in the quality of your meditations. One reason is that the energies in your solar system are fluctuating and pulsing. This pulse is caused by the Father, the Sun. The Sun is in a transformative state. Your star is pulsing and will very gradually begin to expand. As you can imagine, the rays of the Sun radiate from its surface and spread throughout the solar system, gently touching each planet and life forces on them, including humanity. As the rays touch any surface, they are absorbed but also return to the Sun, giving it information about everything it has come in contact with.