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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Mother Earth Prepares for Winter

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Mother Earth Prepares for Winter Maria Yracébûrû

diiyin’s note: Deep in spirit, we prepare our lives in the wake of the impending new year (cosmologically, the tlish diyan begin each year in November with the first sighting of the Pleiades). I turn my attention to the only source as the dream approaches. My houshte (life partner) is near, holding space. She is my guardian.

As I watch, Earth Mother moans, mutters, and stretches as if preparing herself for the long-awaited winter slumber. We believe the way we physically feel is the way Mother Earth feels as well, so we gather to engage in nia’guch’ilaada gotaal, the Earth magic ceremonies that unite us. Only Mother can answer our questions. She is the healer of our wounds.

October 2016 Prayers

napenape shima: Mother Earth’s changing children have discovered there is a fundamental difference between forgiveness and compassion (Aunty Flicker). The latter is not only easier but also more freeing.
