You Are Achieving Spiritual Strength
You Are Achieving Spiritual Strength Michelle Karén
Uranus remains retrograde this whole month until December 20. Its shadow period remains until April 7, 2015. The degrees it travels this month, 15°52ᄡヨ14°49ᄡ Aries, are represented in the Sabian symbols by "nature spirits seen at work in the light of sunset" and "an Indian weaving a ceremonial blanket." The more we individuate, becoming all that we are in our personal truth, the more connected we become to the sacredness of nature, our true home. It is by performing ceremonies and paying attention to what lies beyond the veil that we can free ourselves from all that never was.
Neptune remains retrograde this whole month until November 15 between 6°07ᄡ and 5°22ᄡ Pisces. Its shadow period lasts until January 2015. The degrees it travels this month are symbolized by "illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea mist" and "a parade of army officers in full dress." The army and religion are two structures that have governed much of society. They are being shown here in their softer aspects, not devoid of the possibility for transformation in our rapidly evolving world. It feels that as the veil between dimensions becomes thinner, our relationship to what previously could have been a cause for fear is no longer perceived by us in that way. As we become stronger spiritually, we are able to see these forces for what they are without being controlled by them any longer.
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